domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014

The Y Generation, the students in our classrooms

As I told you on my last post, I am interested on this whole Y Gen thing or Millenium Generation and guess what? I realized I'm part of it! So this is what I found out on this webpage.
This term refers to the people born between the 1980's and early 1990's, after the so called Generation X. Some of their characteristics are:

  • Tech/Web savvy: These people were born surrounded by technological gadgets and as a result they're constantly plugged into it and has become an essential aspect of their lives. They prefer to communicate via email, social networks or text mensagges and want to work for companies that apply this.
  • Family oriented: They stike a balance between work and family. They want to find the best blend between and enjoyable life and a fullfiling work.
  • Ambitious: They're confident and ambitious and want to take important roles in organizations as soon as they begin.
  • Team players: They prefer regularly team mettings and collaboration with peers, they also want to feel included.
  • Communicators: Communication is key for them, but it has to be in the right terms. If you send them an email or text message you're more likely to have a quick answer than if you call them.
  • Like to be loved: Constant feedback, gratitude and telling someone they are doing a good job is something you will always get from a Generation Y.
Now, all these characteristics are what we must take into account to improve the way we teach this new generation. Although I'm part of it, it was really useful to read and learn about it, especially to consider the needs students have and how they may have an influence in our classrooms. If you want to read more about the topic, just go to the link I included in the first paragraph.

miércoles, 13 de agosto de 2014

Selfies: a technological trend in the classroom

Hello hello! I know it’s been a long time since my last post, exam season was very hard (but successful ;) )!
The first day of this second and last semester we got to attend a workshop delivered by a woman called Mathilde Verillaud about the use of selfies in the classroom. I must say that for me it’s a great idea since adolescents are all the time taking photos with their smartphones, it’s part of their lives! Besides, it encourages them to discover themselves and to show their peers what they really are or what they want to be. I imagine that this would be a great project in a class where the students are not very familiar to each other, to foster some sense of class-identity and to value the differences and similarities among them.
She provided us with some activities that she used with her students (this project was carried out in a classroom in China, by the way) but I think they will need a great deal of adaptation if we want to use them in our classrooms in Santa Fe.
She also talked about the Y Generation very briefly but I would like to know more about it so I’ll do some research and make it the topic of my next post.