Hi everyone! This time the topic of this entry has to do with the use of technologies in the classroom and the place that they occupy in it. For analysing this, we have seen in our ECO II class two very interesting models that are, as you have seen in the title, SAMR and TPACK.
SAMR was created by Dr. Ruben Puentedura for describing four different levels of technology integration. The following picture describes very briefly and clearly each one of them:
The other model, TPACK, which stands for Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge, focuses in the interaction among these three for creating a learning environment enhanced by technology and of course set in a context. The next picture clarifies what this model is about:
Relating all this to our future teaching, I think it is very important to take into account what they state, because sometimes technology could be very useful and enhance a great deal the topic or theme of our class. However, it could also be very time consuming, especially as regards the preparation of materials and the final aim of it may not be so important, or it does not occupy a crucial role in the development of the lesson. An example of this would be spending a whole afternoon preparing a presentation in PowerPoint or Prezi that will last only a couple of minutes, and for which we have to install a projector, which could last more than the presentation itself. So, what's the point of it?
As a conclusion, we must be aware that all these new technological devices are not always good and enriching for our lessons, so we must be really critical and use these two models for analysing if including technology in the classroom is worth the effort.