viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

Web 2.0 - My experience

Hi there! Such a long time!
This semester, I’m doing my teaching practice in a secondary school in Santa Fe, and as we had to use the Task-Based Approach, my students and me have been working on a final project. It is a video following the “Draw my Life” format, but telling the routine of a fictional character and then we will share all of them in Youtube. I couldn’t help to relate this personal experience to Web 2.0 tools and apps which is the topic that we are dealing in my ECO II class at this moment.
In case you don’t know what Web 2.0 technologies are, just watch this video that explains that quite clearly.

While I was looking for that video, I found another one that deals with Web 3.0. This really surprised me and put me to think how fast technology advances, especially because it´s not a new concept and I had no idea it existed! If you want to know about it just click here.
In my opinion, the main implication for these new technologies in the classroom is SHARING. Being able to create something and then to share it with everybody could be a very motivating factor for our students, and also gives them the chance to use language in an authentic and contextualized way.

Last but not least, I want to show you a video I’ve created to work with my students. I haven't used it yet, but maybe on my next post I could write about if it worked. I know it isn’t perfect and that it could be better, but it’s my first attempt with this kind of technology and while I was doing it, it made me realize the wide array of possibilities this kind of tool offers and its implications for teaching. Hope you like it!